Friday, July 30, 2021

13 Foot Care Tips for Healthy Feet

 The feet are the most neglected parts of our bodies. They are responsible for carrying us many miles every year. There are some basic things we can do to maintain their health.

Unless there is an issue, most people don't pay attention to their feet. This is especially true for women who are switching from winter sandals to enclosed footwear. Many people will realize how neglected their feet are, especially if they have cracked heels or dry skin.

Footwear is the most common cause of foot problems. In the past, I have heard from many patients that they wish they had listened to their grandmothers or mothers about proper footwear.

Many of these patients relate to me their youthful impulse to buy the most expensive shoes they could afford. They also regret buying the boring startrite shoes.

These are 13 tips for better foot care

  • Regularly apply cream to your feet
  • Keep them away from blisters
  • Take care of your bunions
  • For any problems, make sure to check them often
  • You can also change your shoes
  • Change your foot towel frequently.
  • In public bathing areas, cover feet
  • Give them a pedicure
  • Give them a massage
  • Apply nail polish to nails with a base coat
  • Reflexologist
  • Use a good sun cream
  • Cushioning orthotics or insoles are recommended

Creaming your feet is one of the most important things you can do on a daily basis. It is important to maintain good foot hygiene. Make sure your feet are properly dried and washed, especially between the toes.

Apply a light moisturizing cream. This cream should have a high-urea content such as CCS cream. It is great for dry skin, unlike the waxier preparations used in eczema or psoriasis. This can help you with corn problems and could save you from using corn-plasts over-the-counter acid preparations.

Blisters shouldn't be broken, but should be covered with a protective covering and maybe a little antiseptic cream after drying thoroughly. One of the Compeed plasters or Band-Aids ranges is a great product to have around as a preventative measure. These gel-filled Band-Aids can be applied to pressure points on your feet to prevent shoes from rubbing.

You can reduce bunion pain by wearing wider-fitting shoes, especially in the toe box. Also, you can use protective gel covers that are available online and in many pharmacies. To keep the pressure off your joint, so that it doesn't become inflamed or infected.

Diabetic patients should seek advice from their doctor or podiatrist in order to determine if they have neuropathy and what the best course is of treatment. Diabetic patients are at greater risk for foot problems. They should be cleaned regularly and checked for cuts, bruises, and infections.

To prevent fungal infections, footwear should be regularly changed and dried out. It is best to boil wash socks, then spray the footwear with anti-fungal powder or spray.

You should also change your bathroom towel frequently (yes, separate one for feet). This will prevent you from infecting other parts of your body with bacteria or fungi.

To avoid athlete's foot and verruca/wart infections, always wear appropriate sandals or other foot covers in public swimming areas.

You can give yourself a home manicure from time to time by bathing your feet in warm saltwater containing either sea salts or Epsom salts. This is great for skin and fungal nails infections. You can also easily remove any calluses and skin.

Modern foot spas can be used to massage your feet. They have jets and massaging elements that will give you that luxurious, pampering feeling. After your feet have dried completely, you can use a foot file to smoothen the heels and apply cream. Bed socks will help your feet retain the cream longer and prevent cream from getting on the sheets.

Use a base coat if you plan to apply nail polish to your toenails. The solvent in nail polishes (especially dark ones) can damage the nail plate and leave a white or soft nail.

A good foot massage or a professional reflexologist is a great way to pamper yourself once in a while. It will be relaxing and promote circulation to the lower limb and foot.

Use a high-quality, high-factor sun cream when you visit the beach. Although it may seem excessive, this will help you avoid skin cancer. It can also prevent you from developing melanoma below your nail plates, which is becoming more common. After getting out of the water, don't forget sunscreen to apply again.

You can purchase an over-the-counter gel insole, or a heel cup, to alleviate foot and heel pain. For further treatment, a podiatrist may be required if the problem continues.

Many of us think our feet are given to us. However, with some care and good hygiene,Fußpflege in Jever your feet can keep you going and prevent any future foot problems.


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