Sunday, March 28, 2021


To get started creating authentic content, you'll want to define your ideal customer and know what is important to share with them to lead them through your funnels - in a way that matches their intent based on where they are in their buying cycle. Share Your Stories But you need to know what stories to share. When you really understand who your audience is, and what they need to know based on where they are in their buying cycle, it's easy to choose which stories to share. And the more you can share with your audience, the better. When you share and relate with them, they're going to see your authenticity shining through as it relates to them. Be Transparent Okay, you want to be transparent. But first you need to decide how transparent, then stick to that. Makes sure the transparency you're using matches the need of the customer. For example, if you are claiming to make $100K a year, why don't you show them? If you're just saying you can make money, that's different. But if you state a number, it's important to also be willing to show the proof. Engage More A great way to create content is through engagement. For example, if you have Facebook groups that you like to go to, are you using them in a manner that is authentic with what you want to achieve? Do you answer questions openly or do you ask them to PM you? It's probably better to talk about some things openly even if they are a problem or complaint. This is going to make you even more transparent and authentic to your followers. Tell Customer Stories One way to use content to show authenticity is to collect and share your customers' success stories. This is a great way to show what is working to the rest of your audience. They love to read stories and connect with people who are already your customers. You can do this in a blog post, on social media, or via live interviews using Facebook Live or Be Consistent on All Channels Today, marketing in a multichannel environment is expected. You're going to need to market online and offline and in various channels in both environments. Then you need to be consistent. Consistency is much easier if you're already being authentic to your brand and yourself. Use Different Formats Content marketing requires that you use a lot of different formats of content, much of which you can repurpose. For example, if you interview a satisfied customer via Facebook Live or Zoom, you can turn that interview into a blog post as well. Then you can even use that interview in a book as an example. Plus, you can pull quotes from the interview to make memes. When you learn to match the content to your customer's buying cycle, using authentic forms of content from yourself, users, and others who contribute content to your industry or niche, you're going to find that it's easier to create content for your audience. This is because you know that you're being true to your brand and yourself. When you write and manage your content correctly, it will make your life easier and your business grow. 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