Sunday, March 28, 2021


Customer retention is at the core of every business today. As customer acquisition continue going up, businesses have been forced to become extra creative to retain clients and sustain high sales. In one of the studies done by the U.S Small Businesses Administration and the U.S Chamber of Commerce, it was established that acquiring new clients costs up to five times compared to retaining the existing ones. In this post, we bring you five most effective strategies for increasing customer retention with digital marketing. Start by setting customer expectations When you start working on any marketing effort, the first retention effort should be setting clients' expectations. The expectations help you to clear the vision and enable a company to structure its operations around the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). When you set very high expectations and deliver more than the clients anticipate, they will be happy and keep coming back for more. The customer expectations should be drawn along the lines of their needs. This means you must start with comprehensive market research to determine what they need and how to deliver it. Remember to also set the timelines for evaluating the KPIs. Also, do not hesitate to implement changes to make the expectations more realistic. Be an expert in your niche If you position yourself as an expert in the niche, customers will always come for advice. They will come back to read your content and become part of the business community. As an expert, your word is taken with finality. Recommendations drawn in your platforms are rich in content and guarantee users of highest value. To become an expert in a field, you need the following; (I) Carry comprehensive and regular research about the target market (ii) Ensure to run a blog for educating and guiding clients (iii) Generate regular and high-quality content about the niche (iv) Consider running a monthly email marketing program Build an extraordinary customer service The customer support you install in business will define how satisfied the target clients are. When clients are treated well, they want to continue coming to you for more services and products. Good customer support is considered part of value addition to products or services. The main components of great customer service include a commitment to the customer at all levels of interaction. This can be extended to include services and products' perfection. Consider it as part of the business culture. The main components of high customer value include; (I) Immediate response to clients' inquiries about a product (ii) Maintaining fulltime presence on social media and interacting with the target clients regularly (iii) Offering solutions to clients issues at different levels using content and blog (iv) Following customers who have bought products from email marketing and mobile apps Implement special offer programs for your customers When clients come and buy from you, letting them to simply go means a massive loss of business. You lose the profit that could have come from repeat purchase and referrals. By implementing a special loyalty program, your customers will find a reason to continue coming back for more. For example, a fitness company can consider a special offer of new fitness e-book to clients using its services. Think of special coupons, special discounts, and other creative considerations that will add value to clients. Run customer feedback surveys and implement findings Most customers who are not satisfied with your brand do not complain. They simply walk away, and the chances are you will never know what made them angry. Note that even if they do not tell you, they tell others and make them avoid buying from your site. The best method of identifying these complaints is providing them with a platform for airing their dissatisfaction. Customer feedbacks make users understand they are valued, and their input towards improving the product is invaluable. Some feedbacks offer great insights on how to redefine the product and outdo competitors. To keep the customers coming back, make sure to notify them when the changes they recommended are implemented. Make sure to retarget them with new ads and special offers. The final take Retaining clients in your enterprise helps to ensure they keep buying and referring others. Remember that no single super method is ideal for all businesses. The outlined five tactics will help you bring the customer closer, understand what he wants, and offer it in the best way possible for guaranteed results massaggipegaso massanzug-kaufen massanzug-online massargym massdesign masseur-geneve massextreme massgeschneidertekissen massif massimo-maltese massjeans-online masson massotherapeute-geneve massotherapie-valais massy-vins master-kunst-luzern master-platform master-tuning masterarbeit-coach mastercam mastercard masterchange mastercraft mastercup masterfisch masterfu masterinsozialerarbeit mastermusic masterplan-vallediblenio masterreflex masterspas mastersteel mastertent mastertrainer mastertranslation mastra mastrolorenzo mastrolorenzogastronomia masumihuck-p masuree-thai-shop masuyo mataforgana matahari-lampen mataharibar mataharitravel mataj-selfgarage mataplast matchaworld matchless matchlesswelt matchmyassets matco-engineering matelas-n1 matematica materialarchiv materialmagazin materials4me materiauxdexception maternini-peinture mathai mathcampus mathe-aha mathekurs mathematik mathenachhilfe mathias-binswanger mathiasguitars mathiashauser mathiaszopfi mathieu-vins mathieumartin mathilde-escher mathisdruck mathiszwick mathotop mathstutorgeneva mathys mathys-ag mathys-motos mathysbleienbach mathysgoetschmann mati matisse-restaurant matliautoaccessoires matra matraag matratzen-universum matratzenaufmass matratzenexperte matratzentrend matrimoniinticino matrix-live matrixdesign matrixzone matrjoschka matroshka matsabag matsaro matse matsmobile matte mattebrennerei mattelift mattenhof-flawil mattenhofladen mattenhofresort matter matter-ag matter-bedachungen matter-horn matter-spirits matterhorn-focus matterhorn-group matterhornblick matterhornlodge matterhornparadise matterhornregion matterhornterminal matterwerk matthaeusmarkt matthes matthey-petit mattheytiming matthias matthias-wiesmann matthiasbrunner matthiasfreivogel matthiasgubler matthiaslincke matthiasluggen matthiasmichel matthiassiegrist matthiasvonwartburg matthiol mattigsport mattinonline mattioli-tours mattis mattli mattstetter matuprep maturitaprofessionale matway matz matza matzingen matzmontagen mauler mauraneriesen maurapilates maurelma maurer-treuhand maureragleimbach maurerclan maurermagnetic maurershop maurerspeck mauricezufferey mauriello-cosmetics mauris-lacasa mauris-larocca mauro-tuena mauroandrioletti maurorossi mauruszeier mausexpress maust maven maveric mavi-stone mavietonsang mavisio mawatec max-der-dachs max-moriz max-mueller-horgen max-urech maxcole maxfingerhuth maxfrei maxfrischknecht maxhauri maxi-shop maxibazar maxililian maxilite maxima-l maximage maximeolivier maximetechnology maximilian-reimann maximilien-bruggmann maximtheater maximumbody maxin maxirenovation maxkeller maxkohler-stiftung maxkueng maxlehmann maxmatter maxmeier maxmuellerag maxpoulet maxsaegesserag maxschuepbachag maxsmart maxstore maxtel maxundmoritz-hausen maxvoegeli maxvonmoos maxwellandwilliams maxwilliner maxx-drive maxxtech maxxwell maya-umzuege mayacaprice mayajoie mayalalive mayam maybaum maybeat maybelline maye mayer-shrimps mayfair-ltd maygreen mayorsanitaire maytuff maz mazanek mazda mazda-buelach mazot-bern mazout-migrol mazuvo mazza-engineering mazze mazzeoag mazzivet mazzotta-cosmetic mb-anhaenger mb-arch mb-architekten mb-design-conception mb-law mb-living mb-montageservice mb-network mb-personaltraining mb-tournage mb-trading mb-w mba-baumaschinen mbassador mbb mbbarchitekten mbc-coaching mbc-limousine mbc-premium mbe-ch mbg mbitterli mblondel mbpictures mbs-hpl mbs-suisse mbsportswear mbsr-achtsamkeit-bern mbsr-ge mbsr-winterthur mbss mbt-ostschweiz mbw mc-coiffure mc-gynecologie mc-marchhoefe mc-moto mc-mousepads mc-ruedertal mc20 mc29 mc4 mca-multimedia mcar mcarthurspub mccain mccarthysirishpub mccg mccs mcdonalds mcflosim mcfm mcfrutigen mcg mcge mcgin mcgrafik mchighend mci-buelach mci-zuerich mclinsen mcm-events mcm-riviera mcmail mcmderby mcofficeshop mcoptic mcoptik mcosmetics mcparty mcpf mcphotodesign mcpv mcpvs mcr-bautechnik mcr-e mcrent mcsafe mcsands mcschmuck mcshave mcshirt mcshop mctaxi mctennis mcu mcvetfood mcwit md-graf-solutions md-morandi md-plan md-relooking mdaservices mddp mdent mdesbasel mdkfitness mdl-gmbh mdl-lausanne mdls mdmdreyer mdmedia mdmsupport mdmweb mdpadvice mdrp mdsfilter-engineering mdte mdtsa mdwatch mdz mdzglatt me-and-me meaimmo meal mealsforkids meander-arts meandra-bodywork meanie meas meatandgreet meatfish meats meba-auszuege mebag mebgroup mebimabo mebucaine mec-art mecaforma mecaniqueracine mecaplast mecaso mecasport meccanicheveloci mecf mecg mechadesign mechanik3000 mechsetron mecosmetics mecre med-drugs med-equipement med-gmbh med-gutachten med-innova med-jobs med-massage-praxis med-massage-roesli med-massage-uster med-massagen med-sport medaillen-shop medandmotion medbahnhof medbase medbase-apotheken medbild medcalx medcan medcoach meddin medecin-independant medecine-chinoise-han medecine-complementaire-geneve medecine-ge medecine-globale medecinechinoise-catc medecinechinoise-suisse medecineveterinaire medecinsadomicile medecinsdefamille medecinsdumonde medelasports medelserhuette medexpertsag medi medi-axis medi-fit medi-jobs medi-lum medi-vital medi-yi media-boerse media-com media-consulting media-corner media-marketing-experts media-schweiz media5 mediabank mediabeobachter mediabox mediacheck mediacoding mediacom mediacon mediactif mediadiscount mediafactor mediafisch mediafit mediaformers mediafusion mediago mediagon mediagon-romandie mediahead mediair mediakom medialdesign medialeschule mediallegra mediamarkt mediamix mediamotion mediamus mediarbon mediareisen mediarent mediaresearchgroup mediaschneiderbern mediasuite mediateur-jbiolley mediatheque-cip mediathequelavallee mediathequemonthey mediation mediation-als-chance mediation-avocate-lausanne mediation-beratungen mediation-konkret mediationconsulting mediaviso mediawerk mediazioneticino medical-cosmetic-zurich medical-esthetic medical-jobs medical-marijuana medical-studios medical-wellness-gmbh medicalaesthetic medicalbeautycenter medicalbeautypark medicalbeautyswiss medicalcorner24 medicalforum medicalmassageservice medicalpro medicaltravel medicalvillage medicann medici-architekten medicidentisti-manno medicinaestetica-ticino medicinecomplementari medico-pelloni medico-shop medicodifamiglialocarno medicointernational medicol mediconsult medicopraxis medicur medicus medicus-drogerie medicus-sante medicus-schule medicusmundi medidata medident medidoigts medidor medien medien-kunst medien-park medienadressen medienart medienbox mediencoach medienformfarbe medienfreiamt medienjobs medienklinik medienlektorat medienpaedagogische-beratung medienportal medienspende medientipp medienverbund-phsg medienwerkstadt medienwoche medifides medigam medijeunesse medikal mediket mediko medilingua medimassage medincharge medinfo-engadin medio-ingeno mediobaar mediplant mediporta mediq mediqi mediseeds medistick meditara meditation-in-zuerich meditation-ostschweiz meditation-pour-enfants meditationschweiz meditatives-tanzen mediteam meditec medium-amala medium-baselland-jenseitskontakt-aurabilder-uebungszirkel medium-sabrina-wunderli medium-satz medium-silvie medivation medivetsa mediway medix medix-gruppenpraxis medix-luzern medix-praxis-altstetten medix-praxis-duebendorf medix-praxis-schwamendingen medix-praxis-staefa medix-toujours medizentrum-lyss medizentrum-schuepfen medizin-frau medizin-rheuma medizin-stollturm medizinische-hypnose medizinische-massage-basel medizinoccasionen medkoh medlex medmassage-cr medmassage4you medmix mednatexpo medo-redux medonline medpers medphone medplus medprep medpulcollect medropharm medshop24 medsolution medsr medsupply medtalents medtex-swiss meducation medwalden medworld medyag medylift medzentrum meeda meee meeras-specialities meereskind meerhaaayurveda meeri meeris meerschweinchengaudi meerwasser-aquaristik meerwassershop meet-and-greet meetandwork meetfactory 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membratec membrini memento mementomori mementor memmel memo memocap memocard memodechets memoire-fribourg memolino-pizzakurier-zuerich memorialflavia memoryclinic memoweb mems menadi menage-emploi mendrisio mendrisiocinema mendrisiottoterroir menegalli menetsattel meng-partner menge mengelt-vermoegen menghiniarch mengisgruppe menieres meninbarbe menline mennoniten-basel mennoniten-bern mens-care mensch-hund mensch-tier-gesundheit menschenfuermenschen menschenversand menschsein menschsolothurn mensyoga ment mental-hypnose-coaching mental-impuls mental-top mentalcoach-leuzinger mentalcoaching-aargau mentale-gesundheit mentalpower mentaltrainer mentalwaves mentalwings mentaycanela mentor-assekuranz mentorag mentos menu-design menu2 menuiserie-jll menuiserie-vaud menuiserievallee menzibuergler menzlisport menznau menzo menzz meos meoverlag-olten meow meowtastic mep-net mepha mephista mephisto-bar mepp mer meraja merak meraki-hairdesign merat merbagretail mercadonegro mercan mercator-commodities mercedes-benz mercedes-benz-andre-chevalley mercedes-benz-appenzell mercedes-benz-dandres-hediger mercedes-benz-geneve mercedes-benz-langenthal mercedes-benz-leuggern mercedes-benz-merbag-staefa mercedes-benz-merbag-sursee mercedes-benz-schaffhausen mercedes-benz-sierre mercedes-benz-sion mercedes-benz-waedenswil mercer merch-macher merchandisingplaza merchmacher mercolli-cucine mercurio mercurytime mereas merecumbe meredian mergens meriangaerten merianiselin merianverlag merida merida-centurion meridian merido meridol meringueatelier merkado merkandi merkisoft merkker merkle-metallbau merkli-2rad merkt merkur-auto merkurgarten merlin-textil merlingaerten merlintheater merlonipharma mermelstein merx meryem merz-benteli merz-mototeam merz-spezial merzbustrans merzegger merzlaw merznet mes-avions-jouets mes-complementaires mes-documents mesa-restaurant mesa-tec mesatec mesers


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