Sunday, March 28, 2021


Various types of products and services have various marketing objectives due to the nature of their trade. Objectives are best defined in a marketing plan which details exactly how the company can benefit if it takes on projected sales and marketing activities. The plan highlights the marketing mix, its budget, and how the business will expand in a specific period. Marketing communication has channels that deliver your business message to the large masses. These days, companies use both print media and electronic media in their marketing mix. They like to take part in events and put up kiosks in various busy spots of the city for product testing as well. If the objective is to reach large masses you can create TV ads. To engage users online companies create websites and use questionnaires for new product development, learn more about consumer behavior, their likes and dislikes. Reinforcement is the main element of integrated marketing communication as it ensures all elements of a result-driven campaign work cohesively to achieve objectives. For brand awareness five elements are most important as follows: Personal Selling Advertising Sales Promotion Direct Marketing Publicity A promotional mix works like a combination of options and the options that suit the trade best are always part of a marketing mix. If you are a local restaurant there is no need to advertise on TV. All you need is sales promotions, websites, and direct marketing through food delivery companies. For an FMCG TV ads are essential when you have a lot of competitors. FMCGs try to make sales using all types of channels. So objectives of the marketing communications (MC) depend on the type of business you are in. The importance of integration Integration is important for consistency. For example, if the brand logo appears different on the packaging than what is displayed on the website it gives off a very bad impression. Uniformity gives you a clean brand image that is more trustworthy. The corporate identity has to be maintained at all times. The look and style of your brand need not change across the various channels. Your brand message has to be consistent for corporate reasons. The target audience will take actions you want them to if you have a consistent message across many platforms. For this reason, the brand, the agencies, media, channel members, and the MC support services all need to work together to ensure they are on the same page. This prevents clutter which is damaging for the company image. Role of marketing communications in promoting and developing brands Promoting and developing brands requires work on graphics. When you have attractive graphics the brand name will be well recalled as the mind likes to retain eye-catchy graphics. When you have the effectual graphics for your advertising and publicity you are ready to promote a brand. The logo is a vital element of the brand as it distinguishes you from others. It can be revamped when the market trends change. Brands are best developed using the right IMC strategy so they can find consumers in the large target market and this requires research. After that, we can build a brand using a marketing mix for IMC. It helps with customer retention and getting new customers. By building brand equity brands can survive n the market. Product information that consumers get leads to making informed decisions about making purchases. A business message gives the target market awareness about who you are and the benefits you have to offer. By using events at expositions or interacting with consumers online at websites or social media sites we can build associations with the consumers. When we have a large following the perception of the brand in the market will be positive. More prospects will trust us and try it. From the experience they get online and from the product use, they will be loyal. Malika Zuberi (MS-IT) is a SEO/PPC Consultant and writes SEO content for Internet marketing campaigns. She helps with social media campaigns and helps get high rankings on first page of Google, Yahoo and Bing maegerli-construction maegis-massagen maegli-bijouterie maehrobotergarage maehrtreuhand maekoschweiz maendli-freizeit maendliag maeng maenner-raus maennerbande-dietikon maennerchor maennerchor-badragaz maennerchor-gossau maennerchor-hoengg maennerchor-kuettigen maennerchor-mels maennerchorjenaz maennerherz maenneroutfits maennerpflanze maennerpraxis maennerseite maennerzone maennich maennlichen maerchenbuehne maerchengesellschaft maerchenhotel maerchenquelle maerchenseminare maerchenstiftung maerchenwelten maerchler-fasnacht maeret maerithuesli maeritladen maerki-baumann maerki-moebel maerkli maerklin maertvereinmeilen maesi-fotografie maestral maettli-zunft-littau maetzler maetzler-partner maevaswiss maex-team mafemmeestpasteure mafia-crime mafondue magadruck magalie-energetix magaliweiss magarental magasindepeinture magasinlagriffe magawish magazin-abo magazin-abonnieren magazin-lupe magbio magdalena mageda magellan-unterwegs magen-darm-luzern magenbrot-rohner magendarm-thalwil magendarmpraxis-zug magendarmschweiz magentafilm maggi magia-do-saber magic-carpet magic-life magic-p magic-pierre magic-places magic-x magic-x-geneve magicalevents magicbad-schenker magicdancers magicdean magicgardenseeds magichasy magicienne magickarten-online magiclift magicline magicload magicmonk magicmonk-beta magicmotions magicpass magicschlaf magictracks magiczylinder magie-des-sons magieshop magische-haende magische-unterhaltung magizan magliacudeschs magma-branding magnesium-quelle magnesiumoel magnetfarbe magnetic-emplois magneticlab magnetiseur-reiki magnetix magnetron magnin-vins magno-activo magnolia magnolia-immobilier magnolia-meinisberg magnolienhof magnolienpark magnolienpark-basel magnolife magnus magou magrashochzeitsauto mah-geneve mah-jongg maharaa maharaja-lausanne maharishischool mahgeneve mahler mahlerundco mahlzeiten-service maho-trading maho-trading-shop mahrem mahtola mahu maialamour maians maiaradis maiarchitektur maibrunnen maicos maiden maienbuehl maierbuenterag maiercarrosserie maiergrill maierhess maighelshuette maikluuba mail mail-exchange maila-maislabyrinth mailingstreet maillardsa mailrec main maindesign maintower maiolo-garage maiorano maire mairie maisgold maison-blanche maison-des-anges maison-du-chapeau maison-igor maison-mireille maison-renovation maison-salvagny maisonbergdorf maisonbible maisondeboer maisondelapaix maisondenaissancelaroseraie maisondes maisondeshalles maisondudessindepresse maisondustore maisonforte maisongassmann maisonjolie maisonlibre maisonmanesse maisonrove maisonviaroma maitlisek maitre-philippe-de-lyon maitrefaire maitresseecline maizena maj maja-brunner majeloc majer majesty-cosmetic majo majordavel majoretten-muensingen mak mak-ar makahiki makan makarov makaza make-up-artist makeitsimple makeitup makel-los makemerun maker-shop makerfairezurich makery makeswisstrip makeupartist makeurcake makeyourapp makita-schweiz makmetall makolaser makoto makris maksworld makura mal-atelier-papillon mal-labor mal-und-tonatelier malabar-restaurant malaea malaga-ferien malama-coffee malandro malatelier-arbon malatelier-beratung malatelier-elke malatelier-irenebucher malatelier-turicum malatelier-uster malawi-zucht malayalees malaymov malayoga malben malcolm-campbell malcolmgreen maldivesmission maleana malediven-ferien maledivenurlaub maleikafilm maleinfach maler-alex maler-angebote maler-basel-hess maler-beri maler-dinkel-ag maler-drina maler-egli maler-gloor maler-grab maler-grimm maler-handwerk maler-kasseroler maler-koenig maler-mathis maler-matter maler-merkofer maler-muskic maler-niederhauser maler-niffeler maler-rindlisbacher maler-rolle maler-roth maler-rupp maler-schnell maler-scorpion maler-thun maler-ulrich maler-wittwer maler4you malerbasel malerblum malerchiappetta malerdurrer malerei-bissegger malerei-nue malerei-stalder malereiguerini malereihubacher malereischmid malerfelger malerfirmabasel malerfleig malergeschaeft-basel malergesucht malergraf malerhinter malerhofmann malerlerch malermaeder malermeister malermistretta malermolinari malermoor malermosimann-zollikofen malerrolle malerscheidegger malerschlotterbeck malerservicehuber malervogel malerwerkstatt malerzuend malewa malex-bau malfrisch malgiaritta malhandwerk malheft malila malinois-rusterholz maliterie malixerhof malizia-discount mallorca-fotos malmas malmendier malobolo maloja-schweizerhaus malou-customs maloulou malrain malschule-art malspiel malspielraum malstudio malt-whisky malta-ferien-spezialist malteser-zucht maltherapie-zueri maltry-art malua-spirit malufit malvabeaute malvina malvo mam-tech mama-baby-aqua mama-coaching mama-moves mamabuero mamahatjetztkeinezeit mamarocks mamasprestige mamastore mamasunplugged mamaundmini mambo mambo-bar-geneve mambo-club-geneve mambo-danse-geneve mamicheck mamifromtheblog mamilade mamm mamma mamma-mia-pizzeria mammabox mammaleone-luzern mammalisa mammamia mammandrea mammas-cucina mammern-tourismus mammernclassics mammertsberg mammut mammut-lift mammut-pryys mammut-reinigung mamo mamo-arts mampferia-moehlin mampreneurs mamuchi mamut-center mana-etw manageengine managein management-tools managementgame managertool managesport managevent manasa manaxo mancini-multimedia manco mandala mandala-spa mandalayoga-sophie mandalea mandarin-zh mandarindesign mandelbaerli mandelgenuss manderim manege-chateau-doex manege-vandoeuvres manegefm manere-sanus manetschmeyer manetti manfredritschard manfrotto manfrotto-shop mangalam mangeat mangeat-wahlen mangeurs mangisch mangklinik mangodeck manhart-boote manhu manhua maniabilite manicraft manifatturaditavolidipranzo manipulator maniscalco manito manitoo manix manlyshop mann-sein manne mannergesundheit mannoni mannschafft mannschaftsausflug manolibera manomed manonrelooking manor manoto-store manouchy manpower manres manrose manser-holzbau manser-molki mansuka manta mantegazza mantegazzi mantel manthea manticus mantik mantis-gartenbau mantor mantra-meditation mantrailer-dogschool mantrailing-schweiz manu-fakt manu-webcam manuactus manubeffa manuel-strupler manuela-fuhrer manuelahofstetter manuelakrah manuelas-fahrschule manuelletherapie-samt manufactum manufacturethinking manufakt manufakt8048 manufaktur-maerki manufaktur6418 manuk manuka-honey manumanie manuplast manus manusbern manusfotovideoart manutecnica manuthecook many-ways manzhotels manzonibar map-protein mapag mapknows mapletreecircus maporestaurant mappamondo mapserver maquillage-permanent-neuchatel mara-coiffure marabout-geneve-suisse marabout-voyant-medium-geneve maradive maragnene maraisdamphreux marama marashdave marawa marazza marbach marbach-lu marbetimmobilien marburger marc-horisberger marc-hossmann marc-progin-immo marc-royal marc-welti marcarnold marcel-blanc marcel-lehner marceletmarcello marcelgaehler marcelkueng marcellino marcellos marcellosendos marcelmarty marcels-maschinen marcelschulz marcelzumbrunn marcfaist marcgetzmann marche-gaillard marche-noir marchealaferme marchebio-fribourg marcheclimat marcheclimatgeneve marcheconcours marchemondiale marchepaysan marchepied marcher marchesa-massage marchethonvs marchettiaste marchioro marcluder marcmorand marcmoser marco-calzimiglia marcoclerc marcocolucci marcodanna marcodirenzo marcohirsiger marcokeller marcomarti marconarzisi marconierlich marconitech marcoodermatt marcopeter marcopolo-vclass marcopolohorizon marcorima marcoserra marcowyss marcozaugg marcsteiger marcsway marcuspfister mardeco marderfrei mardesign mareincognita marelcom marelli marena maresch maretouche marevueanous mareyledertaschen marfinance margaretadaepp margaretdavenport margaritagarcia margatv margaudtrains marginal-sport margna margo margreet margrit-bornet mari-om maria-davinci maria-galland maria-hobi maria-pappa maria-rickenbach mariabildstein2019 mariadaniela-basel mariage mariageboutique mariagehrig mariahmuneca mariamassage marianas marianischekirche marianne-elisabeth-ziegler mariannebinder mariannehalter mariano mariansjazzroom mariaschmid mariazell marie-marie marie-nailbar mariecholler marieclaire marieelise marienhaus mariepolla marier marife marimar marimar-strickcafe marin-ok marina marina-online marina-walensee marinablumenthal marinacarobbio marinach marinaforney marinahasler marinails marinatravel marinawalensee marinceks-blog marinearchaeology marineparts-online marinera marinocustomszh mario-fuchs mario-music marioarte marioburkhard mariomeier mariongregor marionmaurer marionnaud marionnettes marionrolfsgraber mariotti-legal mariozoller marisqueira maristo marita-caspari marite maritoanoleggio marius-borgeaud mariusboesch marjeta-gurtner marjolaine mark-bachmann mark-balsiger markbaer marke-winterthur marken-meyer markenatelier markengrill markenjobs market marketing marketing-abteilung marketing-non-marchand marketing-probst marketing-schulung marketing-soi marketing-trend-tagung marketingarena marketingaufzeit marketingcoaching marketingenieur marketingfire marketingfox marketingkiste marketinglexikon marketingnatives marketingpark marketingpoint marketingpruefung marketingsocialmedia marketingspringer marketingwissen marketor marketraining marketsurvey marketvision markfroesch markhauser markisen-online markmueller markom-lexikon markotraslochi markovic-design markschindler markstahler-immobilien markt-heerbrugg marktbern marktblatt marktgassehotel markthalle-burgdorf markthalle-glarus markthalle-sargans markthalle-toggenburg markthalle-zofingen marktideen marktindex marktkueche marktplatzch marktschwaermer marktsystem marktverband marktzunft markus-aellig markus-fuchs markus-grau markus-imhoof markus-naegeli markus-zollinger markusarn markusbamberger markusbaumi markusbuetler markusbuschor markuscamenzind markusgerlach markushottiger markusisler markuskappeler markuskellergmbh markuskessler markuskirche markuspally markusrubatscher markusryffels markussteiger markuszemp markuszollinger marlen-oberholzer marlenaz marlene marlene-coiffure-fribourg marlenes marlengroher marlenhaushofer marlenmarthamaria marliese marliesfriedli marlin-kosmetik marmo marmobisa marmor-schleifen marnin marobag marobefaitemain marokko-live marokkotravel maron-chur maroquinerie-lausanne maroquinier-cuir marotte marpa marple-design marques marqueterie-art marquis marrelplastiques marriageweek marronniers marryjane mars marschdeslebens marschfuerslaebe marsis marstall martagon martel-consulting marthas-studio marthastift martheray marti marti-buchs marti-delikatessen marti-kls marti-linthal marti-logistik marti-metzg marti-romann marti-swissbau martiag martialsports marticom martignoni-gerances martigny martigny-hotel martigny-natation martigny-region martimarine martimatt martin-agro martin-confiserie martin-ferrer martin-imboden martin-mesey martin-miernik martin-olten martin-schlozer martin-stiftung-fuer-alle martin-zurbriggen martina martina-famos martina-rumpf martina-villiger martina-yogt martinabrassel martinaegli martinaklingler martinamarti martinamelcher martinarainer martinas martinas-modetreff martinashairdesign martinastraehl martinawalther martinbirrerdesign martinetkarczinski martinfaehndrich martinforter martingrandjean martingrossenbacher martinheller martinhermida martinhesse-fotoarchiv martinizunft martinkathriner martinkueenzi martinlehmann martinlorenz martinoswald martinpfisterappenzell martinrey martinritler martinrohrer martins-taxi martinschuppli martinsmadhuette martinspeiser martinsteiner martinstiftung martinstollenwerk martinstudios martinsumi martinvogt martinwitz martisdance-factory martisports martivital martouf martronic martus marty-ag marty-designhaus marty-laufbahnberatung marty-marketing marty-stables martydesign martydruck martyhof martyswissrenovation marudojo marugg-marketing marugg-weinbau maruggbruni marvins marwil-demenagements marxerarchitekten mary mary-miso marygoround marykay marykruhl marylynn marymix marynaburch maryscosmetics maryseeli marzer-bern marzili-beck marzipan-shirts marzohl mas-applied-history mas-rad mas-sob masanssport mascheradoro mascheria-brigitta maschinen-deal maschinendirekt maschinenmarkt maschinenmieten maschinenring maschinenring-nws maschinenring-zug mascho mascotte mascotworkwear masculincenter mase-info maserati-biturbo maserenitude masero masesselin masew masexualite mash-motors masicolor masilugano maskenkoenig maskin massa-bitsch massage-altstetten massage-atem massage-bern massage-bollhalder massage-chappeli massage-dream massage-engelgasse massage-fleischmann massage-for-men massage-geisser massage-good massage-gurtengasse massage-klassisch massage-naturheilpraxis massage-ott massage-pilates massage-plus-praxis massage-pour-bebe massage-salathe massage-signer massage-spiez massage-steinemann massage-straub massage-tantrique-lausanne massage-therapie-kulm massage-therapie-zentrum massage-troller massage-wohlen massage-zangger massage-zuerich-oerlikon massage123 massage27a massaged massageindex massagelehmann massagemiracle massagemouvement massagen-rheinfelden massagen28 massagepraxis-faller massagepraxis-fh massagepraxis-gugger massagepraxis-judithschraner massagepraxis-luigi massagepraxis-neuhaus massagepraxis-ts massagepraxis-xundheit massagepraxisfalcone massagepraxisjenny massagepraxisthun massages-cocagne massages-osteo massagesessel massagesessel-multirelax massagewinterthur massageyverdon massagezeitraum massaggi-benessere massaggilartedelbenessere

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