Tuesday, April 27, 2021


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  2. hurghada ausflüge

    In Hurghada gibt es eine Vielzahl von Ausflugsmöglichkeiten, die den Besuchern die Schönheit des Roten Meeres, die faszinierende Wüstenlandschaft und die reiche ägyptische Kultur näherbringen. Hier sind einige beliebte Ausflüge:

    Schnorchel- und Tauchausflüge:

    Erkunden Sie die atemberaubenden Unterwasserwelten des Roten Meeres mit Schnorchel- oder Tauchausflügen. Entdecken Sie farbenfrohe Korallenriffe und eine Vielzahl von Meereslebewesen.
    Bootstouren zu den Inseln:

    Unternehmen Sie Bootsausflüge zu den nahegelegenen Inseln wie Giftun Island. Genießen Sie entspannte Stunden am Strand, Schnorcheln und lokale Köstlichkeiten.
    Quad-Safaris in der Wüste:

    Für Abenteuerlustige bieten sich Quad-Safaris in der Wüste an. Erkunden Sie die beeindruckende Wüstenlandschaft und erleben Sie den Nervenkitzel der Dünenfahrt.
    Kairo und die Pyramiden:

    Ein Tagesausflug nach Kairo ermöglicht Ihnen den Besuch der weltberühmten Pyramiden von Gizeh, der Sphinx und des Ägyptischen Museums.

    Besuchen Sie die antike Stadt Luxor und entdecken Sie historische Stätten wie die Tempel von Karnak und Luxor, das Tal der Könige und den Hatschepsut-Tempel.
    Delfinhaus (Dolphin House):

    Nehmen Sie an Bootsausflügen teil, um das sogenannte Delfinhaus zu besuchen, wo Sie mit Delfinen schwimmen und sie in ihrer natürlichen Umgebung beobachten können.
    Abendliche Shows und Dinner:

    Genießen Sie ägyptische Abendshows mit traditionellen Tänzen und Musik, begleitet von einem köstlichen Abendessen.

    Probieren Sie verschiedene Wassersportarten aus, darunter Windsurfen, Kitesurfen und Parasailing, um das Rote Meer in vollen Zügen zu erleben.
    Besuch des alten Stadtteils El Dahar:

    Tauchen Sie in die lokale Kultur ein, indem Sie den alten Stadtteil El Dahar erkunden. Hier finden Sie traditionelle Märkte, lokale Geschäfte und die Möglichkeit, authentisches ägyptisches Essen zu probieren.
    Bootstour mit Glasbodenboot:

    Eine Bootsfahrt mit einem Glasbodenboot ermöglicht es Ihnen, die Unterwasserwelt zu bewundern, ohne nass zu werden. Beobachten Sie Korallenriffe und bunte Fische durch den gläsernen Boden des Boots.
    Bevor Sie an Ausflügen teilnehmen, ist es ratsam, sich bei örtlichen Reiseveranstaltern zu erkundigen, um die besten Optionen und aktuellen Bedingungen zu erfahren. Sicherheit und Respekt gegenüber der Umwelt stehen immer an erster Stelle.

  3. Excursions in Hurghada & Marsa Alam

    Certainly! Both Hurghada and Marsa Alam offer a variety of exciting excursions and activities. Here's a combined list of excursions you can consider in both locations:

    Excursions in Hurghada:
    Snorkeling and Diving Trips: Explore the vibrant coral reefs of the Red Sea with guided snorkeling or diving excursions.

    Giftun Island Trip: Enjoy a day trip to Giftun Island, where you can relax on the beach, snorkel, and swim in the clear waters.

    Desert Safari and Quad Biking: Take a desert safari to explore the arid landscapes surrounding Hurghada, and try quad biking on the sand dunes.

    Luxor Day Trip: Venture to Luxor to visit ancient Egyptian temples, the Valley of the Kings, and other historical sites.

    Cairo Excursion: A day trip to Cairo to see the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, and the Egyptian Museum.

    Dolphin Watching Tours: Go on a boat trip to spot dolphins in their natural habitat.

    Submarine Tours: Experience the underwater world through a submarine tour in the Red Sea.

    Excursions in Marsa Alam:
    Diving and Snorkeling: Explore the pristine coral reefs and marine life in the Red Sea.

    Sataya Reef (Dolphin House) Trip: Visit Sataya Reef for a chance to swim and snorkel with dolphins.

    Abu Dabbab Turtle Snorkeling: Snorkel in Abu Dabbab Bay to encounter sea turtles in their natural environment.

    Mangrove Forest Boat Tours: Take a boat tour to explore the scenic mangrove forests along the coast.

    Wadi el Gemal National Park: Explore the diverse landscapes of Wadi el Gemal National Park, with options for camel rides and desert exploration.

    Luxor and Aswan Multi-Day Tours: Extend your historical exploration with multi-day trips to Luxor and Aswan.

    Desert Quad Biking: Experience the thrill of quad biking through the desert around Marsa Alam.
    Hamata Islands Snorkeling: Visit the Hamata Islands for excellent snorkeling opportunities and beautiful coral reefs.

    Marsa Mubarak Snorkeling: Explore the protected bay of Marsa Mubarak for fantastic snorkeling experiences.

    Always ensure to book excursions through reputable local operators or your hotel's concierge to ensure safety and a positive experience. Consider your preferences, whether it's adventure, history, or relaxation, when choosing the excursions that suit your interests.


  4. Excursions in Hurghada

    Both Hurghada and Marsa Alam offer a plethora of exciting excursions, catering to diverse interests and preferences. Here's a breakdown to help you choose the perfect adventure for your trip:


    For the water enthusiast:

    Snorkeling and Diving: Explore vibrant coral reefs teeming with colorful fish, turtles, and dolphins. Paradise Island and Giftun Island offer stunning underwater landscapes.
    Snorkeling in Hurghada
    Diving in Hurghada
    Paradise Island, Hurghada
    Giftun Island, Hurghada

    Submarine Adventures: Embark on a unique underwater journey in a glass-bottomed submarine, marveling at marine life without getting wet. Perfect for families and those who prefer staying dry.
    Submarine in Hurghada

    El Gouna Water Activities: Head to El Gouna, a picturesque lagoon paradise, for windsurfing, kitesurfing, parasailing, or kayaking through mangrove forests.
    El Gouna, Egypt

    For the adventurer:

    Jeep Safari and Bedouin Village Experience: Traverse the desert in a jeep, encounter camels and Bedouin villages, and enjoy a traditional meal under the stars.
    Jeep Safari in Hurghada
    Bedouin Village in Hurghada

    Quad Biking through the Desert: Feel the adrenaline rush as you zoom through sandy tracks and conquer dunes on a quad bike.
    Quad Biking in Hurghada

    Stargazing in the Desert: Escape the city lights and marvel at the breathtaking night sky. Learn about constellations from experienced guides.
    Stargazing in Hurghada

    For the history buff:

    Pyramids and Sphinx of Giza: Embark on a day trip to Cairo and witness the awe-inspiring Pyramids and Sphinx, one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
    Pyramids of Giza, Egypt
    Sphinx of Giza, Egypt

    Luxor: City of the Pharaohs: Delve into the ancient wonders of Luxor, exploring the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and Luxor Temple.
    Luxor, Egypt
    Valley of the Kings, Egypt
    Karnak Temple, Egypt

    Alexandria: Where East Meets West: Discover the remnants of the Library of Alexandria and stroll along the Corniche, enjoying the Mediterranean breeze and stunning sea views.
    Alexandria, Egypt

    Marsa Alam:

    For the water enthusiast:

    Snorkeling and Diving: Explore coral reefs like Sataya Reef (renowned for spinner dolphins) and Abu Dabbab Bay (famous for green turtles).
    Snorkeling in Marsa Alam
    Diving in Marsa Alam
    Sataya Reef, Marsa Alam
    Abu Dabbab Bay, Marsa Alam

    Dolphin House Encounter: Swim alongside playful dolphins in their natural lagoon habitat.
    Dolphin House, Marsa Alam

    El Gouna Water Activities: similar to Hurghada, enjoy windsurfing, kitesurfing, parasailing, or kayaking in the El Gouna lagoon.

    For the adventurer:

    Wadi El Gemal National Park Safari: Encounter desert flora and fauna, explore ancient rock inscriptions, and learn about the region's history on a jeep safari.
    Wadi El Gemal National Park, Marsa Alam

    Quad Biking and Stargazing in the Desert: similar options to Hurghada, offering thrills and celestial wonder.

    For the history buff:

    Luxor Day Trip: similar to Hurghada, delve into the ancient wonders of Luxor.

    El Quseir Historical Walk: Discover the charming coastal town of El Quseir, exploring its Ottoman heritage and bustling souks.
    El Quseir, Egypt

    Beyond the excursions:

    Both Hurghada and Marsa Alam offer stunning beaches, delicious local cuisine, and opportunities to experience Bedouin culture.
    Choosing the right destination:

    Hurghada offers a wider variety of excursions and is closer to Cairo and Luxor, making it ideal for history buffs. Marsa Alam boasts calmer beaches, richer marine life, and a more relaxed atmosphere, perfect for nature lovers and divers.

    Ultimately, the best destination depends on your specific interests and priorities.

    Remember to research reputable tour operators, consider your fitness level and budget, and most importantly, be open to new experiences and enjoy the magic of both Hurghada and Marsa Alam!

    I hope this information helps you plan your perfect Egyptian adventure!


  5. Exploring the Marvels of Hurghada & Marsa Alam

    Embarking on excursions in Hurghada and Marsa Alam offers a diverse array of experiences, combining natural wonders and cultural delights. Discover the highlights of these enchanting destinations:

    1. Giftun Island Snorkeling:

    Delve into the crystal-clear waters around Giftun Island in Hurghada for an unforgettable snorkeling adventure. Witness vibrant coral reefs, exotic fish, and perhaps encounter the resident dolphins.
    2. Luxor Day Tour:

    Take a day trip to Luxor, the ancient city of pharaohs, from both Hurghada and Marsa Alam. Explore the Valley of the Kings, Karnak Temple, and the iconic Luxor Temple, immersing yourself in Egypt's rich history.
    3. Quad Biking in the Desert:

    Quench your thirst for adventure with a quad biking excursion in the Marsa Alam desert. Feel the adrenaline as you speed across the golden sands, capturing breathtaking views of the landscape.
    4. Dolphin Watching Cruise:

    Join a delightful dolphin-watching cruise in the Red Sea from both Hurghada and Marsa Alam. Witness these intelligent marine creatures in their natural habitat, creating lasting memories.
    5. Abu Dabbab Dugong Bay:

    For a unique experience, visit Abu Dabbab Dugong Bay in Marsa Alam. Snorkel or dive to encounter dugongs, sea turtles, and a diverse range of marine life in the bay's clear waters.
    6. Mahmya Island Relaxation:

    Escape to Mahmya Island for a day of relaxation on pristine beaches. Enjoy water activities, bask in the sun, and relish delicious meals with the soothing backdrop of the Red Sea.
    7. Hurghada Marina Promenade:

    Explore the vibrant atmosphere of Hurghada Marina. Stroll along the promenade, indulge in local cuisine, and experience the lively nightlife that adds a modern touch to this historic city.
    These excursions promise a blend of adventure, relaxation, and cultural enrichment, making Hurghada and Marsa Alam ideal destinations for a memorable journey.


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