Sunday, April 18, 2021


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  6. Prestige ELM Park is the latest launched residential development at Whitefield, Bangalore by Prestige Group.

  7. Prestige Primrose Hills is a grand residential in Banashankari, South Bangalore. The 15-sections of land premise has 1680 units of 1 and 2 BHK lofts. The task incorporates 15 pinnacles. The pads are highlighted in sizes shifting from 572 - 985 sq ft. This task is a staged endeavor conceived in two phases.Phase 1 of the venture has a plot size of 10 sections of land. The absolute land region covered during this stage is 39382 sq m. or on the other hand 4,23,904 sq ft.

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  9. Purva Park Hill defines the fine living with its beautifully conceptualised residential enclaves, where the science and art of ‘well-being’ are blended perfectly to bestow an accomplished lifestyle to its esteemed in-dwellers.

  10. Brigade Valencia is located in idyllic surroundings and is close to several social infrastructure amenities including schools, hospitals, and malls.

  11. Godrej Park Retreat is being built in the lush area of Sarjapur Road in South-East Bangalore. The grand project has many lavish one, two, and three-bedroom apartments.

  12. Purva Oakshire is the new Premium Plots Development project at the heart of Rampura, Off Hennur Road in North Bangalore.

  13. South East Bangalore is getting new Prestige Lavender Fields apartments for sale in 2023

  14. Finding an ideal residential area with high quality of life is one of the most difficult tasks. Housing is one of the most important structural units for every human being. This is Prestige Lavender Fields, an upcoming residential development from one of the most reputed developers, The Prestige Group. We offer 1 to 4 bedroom luxury apartments in Whitefields, Bangalore. Furthermore, the residence has a good location that allows you to engage with your daily activities. All major shops, malls, hospitals, schools and other modern amenities are nearby. If you are looking for a luxurious and opulent lifestyle, then Prestige Lavender Fields Whitefield Bangalore is one of the best options.

  15. Sushma Down Town Zirakpur is an ideal option to stay for those seeking a modern and luxurious lifestyle. The project's first-class amenities, convenient connectivity and scenic location make it perfect for families and professionals. With meticulously designed apartments and first-class amenities, Sushma Down Town Zirakpur is one of the best residential developments in the vibrant city of Chandigarh.

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