Tuesday, March 23, 2021


This is a list of the most popular websites worldwide according to the global "Top Sites" lists published by worldwide top site. We’ve listed the top most popular sites in the world based on Domain Authority, a link-based metric that models how Google ranks websites. Every website is different, but generally speaking, here are the most important (and most-visited) websites. This data, which was compiled based on the traffic to each website, not only allows you to see the ranked placements of websites like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, but also allows you to see how they're connected to their parent companies, which industry they promote, and a comprehensive visual to see which ones are the most popular. Html code for post introduction


This is a list of the most popular websites worldwide according to the global "Top Sites" lists published by worldwide top site.


We’ve listed the top most popular sites in the world based on Domain Authority, a link-based metric that models how Google ranks websites.


Every website is different, but generally speaking, here are the most important (and most-visited) websites.


This data, which was compiled based on the traffic to each website, not only allows you to see the ranked placements of websites like Google, Facebook, and YouTube, but also allows you to see how they're connected to their parent companies, which industry they promote, and a comprehensive visual to see which ones are the most popular.

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