Thursday, August 1, 2024

Filtre Eau du Robinet vs. Filtre Sous Évier: Choosing the Right Water Filter for Your Needs

When it comes to ensuring clean and safe drinking water, choosing the right filtration system is crucial. Two popular options are the "filtre eau du robinet" (tap water filter) and the "filtre sous évier" (under-sink filter). Each type of water filter offers distinct advantages and is suited to different needs. This article explores the features, benefits, filtre eau du robinet filtre sous évier and considerations of both types of filters to help you make an informed decision about which one is best for your home.

What is a Filtre Eau du Robinet?

A "filtre eau du robinet" is a water filter that attaches directly to the faucet or tap. It is designed to provide filtered water on demand, typically through a compact, easy-to-install unit that screws onto the end of your faucet or is mounted in-line with the tap.

Key Features:

  • Ease of Installation: Tap water filters are generally easy to install and require no professional assistance. They can often be attached or detached without the need for special tools.
  • On-Demand Filtering: These filters allow you to switch between filtered and unfiltered water, giving you the flexibility to use filtered water for drinking and cooking while using unfiltered water for other tasks.
  • Compact Design: Tap water filters are typically compact and do not take up much space, making them suitable for kitchens with limited counter space.


  1. Convenience: Tap water filters provide immediate access to filtered water without the need for additional plumbing or installation.
  2. Cost-Effective: They are generally less expensive than under-sink systems and are a budget-friendly option for improving water quality.
  3. Portable: Because they are easily detachable, tap water filters can be moved or removed as needed.

What is a Filtre Sous Évier?

A "filtre sous évier" is an under-sink water filter system installed beneath the kitchen sink. This type of filter typically requires more extensive installation and is connected to the plumbing to provide filtered water through a separate faucet or via the existing tap.

Key Features:

  • In-Depth Filtration: Under-sink filters often provide more thorough filtration compared to tap-mounted filters. They can incorporate multiple stages of filtration, including sediment, carbon, and sometimes even reverse osmosis.
  • Separate Faucet: Many under-sink systems come with a dedicated faucet that dispenses filtered water, keeping it separate from regular tap water.
  • Higher Capacity: These systems usually have larger filter cartridges and higher capacity, making them suitable for households with higher water consumption.


  1. Superior Filtration: Under-sink filters offer more comprehensive filtration, effectively removing a wide range of contaminants, including chlorine, heavy metals, bacteria, and more.
  2. Cleaner Aesthetics: With the filter system hidden under the sink and a separate faucet for filtered water, there is less clutter and a cleaner look in the kitchen.
  3. Greater Capacity: They often have a higher capacity and longer filter life compared to tap water filters, reducing the frequency of filter changes.

Choosing Between a Filtre Eau du Robinet and a Filtre Sous Évier

When deciding between a tap water filter and an under-sink filter, consider the following factors:

  1. Water Quality Needs: If you require extensive filtration to address specific contaminants or have concerns about water quality, an under-sink filter may be the better option due to its multi-stage filtration capabilities.
  2. Installation and Space: If you prefer a simpler, more straightforward installation and have limited space, a tap water filter offers convenience without the need for professional installation.
  3. Budget: Tap water filters are generally more affordable upfront, while under-sink filters involve a higher initial investment but may offer long-term cost savings through improved filtration and longer filter life.
  4. Aesthetics and Use: Consider whether you prefer a separate faucet for filtered water and a cleaner appearance or if a tap-mounted filter suits your needs for filtered water on demand.


Both the filtre eau du robinet and the filtre sous évier offer valuable solutions for improving water quality. Tap water filters provide a convenient, cost-effective option for on-demand filtration, while under-sink filters deliver more comprehensive filtration and a cleaner kitchen setup. Evaluating your specific needs, budget, and preferences will help you choose the right water filter to ensure clean and safe drinking water for your home.

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